Balance, account statement and bank statement

Balance and account statement

With Fineco you can verify all your account statements and your account balance directly online and in real-time.

Your accounting and available balance are constantly updated and clearly visible.

Account statement queries can be personalised: you can decide the time period and type of movements you wish to be displayed.

The table below shows the balances that can be viewed in the different areas of the website.

Account balance, available balance, value date

The balance is the difference between credit and debit amounts in a given time period. But what is the difference between the account balance, the available balance and the value date?

Account balance

This is the algebraic sum of the movements per transaction date. By movements we mean transactions already debited from or credited to the account. 

Available balance

This is calculated by adding to or subtracting from the accounting balance all instructions entered, including those for which the value date has not yet been reached and amounts that are not available for other non-trading banking transactions. 

Value date

The date on which a credited or a debited transaction on an account becomes effective. 

Availability of funds

The time after which the amounts or securities are available and can be withdrawn. The number of days that must pass before funds become available is always more than the number of days to the value date.

Account statement

There are different ways of displaying and searching movements on your account.

Last 10 movements
Here you can see the list of the last 10 movements on your account, in chronological order from the most recent to the least recent.

Click on the arrow to the left of the row to expand it and see the full description of the movement.

Current month and last 3 months
In these sections, you can retrieve all the movements on your account in the current month or during the last 3 months.

You can leaf through the pages to search for a single movement or use the "Filters" function to refine your search from among the results shown.

Advanced search
With the advanced search option, you can select the period of reference by setting the two dates between which you want to search. Click on the SEARCH button to obtain the results.

Bank statement

The Fineco bank statement is available online. Ready to print whenever required and stored electronically, the Fineco bank statement is updated free of charge every quarter. You can view the last 4 account statements online. For all earlier statements, you can ask for these to be sent to your home address.

We will send an email to your inbox when your new account statement is available online.

You can use the Fineco bank statement to check:

  • movements on your account in GBP, EUR, USD and CHF.
  • the breakdown of your security portfolios as at the date of reference.

Technical aspects
The Fineco bank statement is a digital file in Acrobat .Pdf format. To view it you need to have Acrobat Reader installed.

The .Pdf produced is encrypted with the system used by Fineco for the exchange of all sensitive data (SSL 128 bit).

Calculation of the balance

The balance is the difference between credit and debit amounts in a given time period.

There are different types of balance:

  • Final balance: this is calculated by adding and subtracting all the items appearing in the account statement.
  • Cleared balance: this is used for the quarterly calculation of interest and is calculated by adding and subtracting the items that appear in the account balance, except for those with a value date after the end of the reference period.
  • Available balance: this is the sum available to you and only takes into account successfully completed transactions.
  • Balance by value date: this is the balance on your current account calculated on the basis of the movements recorded by value date over the quarter. They serve to determine the credit and debit balances for the purpose of settling the quarterly interest.

Value date and availability of funds
The value date is the day from when interest on the amounts deposited (or withdrawn) begins to accrue (or ceases to accrue).
The availability of funds indicates the time after which the amounts or securities are available and can be withdrawn. The number of days that must pass before funds become available is always more than the number of days to the value date.

Viewing the online bank statement

Managing the services associated with the account statement online is easy.

You can view the online bank statement free of charge every quarter.
Just click on “Bank statement” in the left menu on the “Banking” section > Current account.
Each time a new account statement is available online you will receive an email in your inbox. Published bank statements will be available online for one year; after that time you can always request them directly from the or by contacting our Client Service.

Requesting home delivery

You may also request to have your Fineco account statements sent to your home, specifying the frequency with which you would like to receive them.
The cost of this service varies on the basis of the type of schedule selected:

Delivery method Frequency Cost
Online Quarterly Free
Delivered to your home Quarterly £4.95 per statement
Delivered to your home Monthly £4.95 per statement
Delivered to your home Six-monthly £4.95 per statement
Delivered to your home Once a year £ 4.95 per statement

If you wish to have a specific account statement sent to your home address you can submit your request directly online.
The cost of sending each statement is GBP 4.95.

With Fineco your transactions are safe

Your money is safe
A team of professionals work 24 hours a day to guarantee the security of your account and avoid any unpleasant surprises. Fineco continues to work with the competent authorities to combat cybercrime and prevent the most common threats to security.

Multiple levels of security
Your account is protected by three security codes: The user code and password for accessing the website, and a device PIN code for confirming transactions. In addition, communications containing sensitive data are encrypted with 128/256 bit SSL/TLS protocols, the most advanced data encryption technology available.

After thirty minutes of inactivity on the site, the system is automatically deactivated (timeout).

No more tokens
Forget all about the annoying " "battleship" game and the inconvenience of the electronic token.
With the innovative PIN text service, a "one-time password" will be sent directly to your mobile phone, free of charge, to be used with the standard PIN code to confirm all transfers and to sign contracts electronically. More secure and more convenient.

Constant checks
Each transaction is tracked, from the moment you log on to the site, recorded down to the last detail and only authorised after completing a series of highly sophisticated cross-checks. These checks are performed both automatically and by people. In this way, if anything happens we can get in touch with you straight away and take action in real-time.