Client Area

Client Area home page

Total assets, the latest transactions and card payments are all available directly on the home page. All key information about your Fineco current account is displayed on this page. This means you can keep everything under control.

The information is grouped under different sections:

Current Account Holder
The number and holder of the current account are shown at the top of the webpage and on all the other pages of the website.
If you have more than one Fineco current account, the information displayed on the site always refers to the account displayed in the drop-down menu.
To change your account, simply select another one from the drop-down menu.
To change the default setting, click on the "set as favourite" link for the current account you want to be displayed as the default.

Last access to Fineco
The last access records the last date and time you used the user ID and password to enter your secure area from the website, the Fineco app or via Client Service and is shown in the top right corner.

Privacy ON/OFF
To safeguard your privacy and hide key information about your assets, when you log on to the Fineco website you can use the Privacy ON/OFF option in the bottom right corner of your screen.
This option allows you to set the function you prefer:

  • If you want your data to be hidden automatically on the home page each time you enter the site, set “Privacy” to “ON”
  • If, on the other hand, you want your data to be displayed on the home page each time you enter the site, set “Privacy” to “OFF”.

Total assets
Your total assets are shown in the pie chart on the left of the page, with the overall amount in GBP shown at the centre. Move the mouse over the pie chart to see the assets that make up your total assets, their value in GBP and the percentage weight of the total.
Click the “asset breakdown” link beneath the pie chart to see further details about your position.

The table on the right contains a summary of the composition of your total assets so that you can monitor:

  • Total liquid assets: This item includes the available balance on your account in GBP + the value in GBP of the multicurrency service
  • The total portfolio, which includes the total of your investments.

The "pending transactions" link opens a page listing any transactions in progress and pending registration, such as bond coupon payments.

For further details, click on Total assets

Latest transactions with PIN
This list shows the latest transactions requiring the use of a PIN.
All transactions via the website, the Fineco app, or the Client Service are recorded here.

If you have activated cards, these will be displayed in this section.
You can monitor summary data such as the last transaction or payments made during the month. Move your mouse over the chart to see the breakdown of your payments over the last six months.

Latest transactions

This table lists the last five transactions on your current account over the last 60 days made via the website or the Fineco app and which required confirmation using your PIN
The date and time of each transaction are always shown.

A record is also kept of each time the PIN is used to access the Client services via the Voice Portal.

The system records each transaction and the user code that is used. Therefore, in the case of joint accounts, when you access the account with your personal codes, you won’t see transactions ordered by the other account holders.

Total assets

Your total assets are equal to the sum of your liquid assets plus the portfolio and transactions in progress.

In detail:

Liquid assets are equal to the sum of: the available balance of your account in GBP plus the available balance valued in GBP of any active sub-accounts in EUR, CHF, USD.

The available balance is the amount you can spend.
It is calculated by adding to or subtracting from the accounting balance all instructions entered, even if with a value date not yet accrued or available for other non-trading banking transactions.

The accounting balance is given by the algebraic sum of the transactions per transaction date. Transactions are intended as any operations already debited/credited to the account.

The value date is the day from which the interest on sums deposited (or withdrawn) begins (or ceases) to accrue.

The difference between available balance and accounting balance is given by the algebraic sum of any lines of credit granted and liquidity booked.

Example: Available Balance = accounting balance - liquidity booked.

The equivalent in GBP of any active sub-accounts is calculated once a day using the exchange rate of the relevant currency in force at 1 pm.

Booked entries are debit items which the bank makes unavailable pending the settlement of transactions.

The total portfolio in the "total assets" section is updated almost simultaneously with any sale transaction carried out in the markets. For every deposit, you can also view details of the value of the following products in the portfolio: stocks, ETFs, Certificates and bonds.

By clicking on the chart showing the breakdown of the total assets it is also possible to see the percentage value of each product in the overall portfolio.
When you access the page, the Portfolio section is updated in real-time on the basis of the market value of the individual financial products. You can then continue to update the value of your portfolio by clicking the "Update" button at the top right of the page.

On the morning of day T, the total portfolio is valued at £10,000 (1,000 X shares with a price of £10). During the day, 500 of those shares held in the portfolio are sold on the market.
The trading portfolio is updated immediately, as is the available trading balance for further purchases on the markets.
After a few minutes, the total portfolio is also updated within the "single position" as well as the available liquid assets, which are increased by £500 from the sale of the shares.

In addition, the equivalent value of the 500 shares in the portfolio is automatically updated according to the market price recorded at that time by the share.

If you buy 100 shares at a price of £6 (the last traded price on the market at the time of the transaction). Share closing price at T-1 = £5.

The operation generates a booked entry for £602.95 (100*£6) + £2.95 (trading fees) therefore deducting that amount from the available balance.

At the same time, the share purchased will be valued in the Portfolio at the actual market price of day T at the time of its entry on the page. If the price of the share at a time X of entering the page is £6.10, a value of (100*£6.10) = £610 will be displayed (the same value is also displayed on the trading portfolio page).
On the value date, the booked entry will be cancelled, and the amount will be charged to the current account, reducing the accounting balance.

For all financial products available in your portfolio but unlisted online, the equivalent market value of each security is calculated giving the positions the value of the closing prices from the previous day (T-1). Various inconsistencies with the trading portfolio could therefore occur, where the value of each position is calculated instead, by using the last available price on the market at that time.

The following DO NOT contribute to the value of the portfolio: orders entered and not yet executed and margins for derivatives.

The total of transactions in progress is composed of:

  • Bond coupons credited: this shows bond coupons that have already been detached but not yet credited

To see the breakdown of these transactions you can use the "Transactions in progress" link on the Home page and in the "Asset breakdown" overlay, or click one of the securities dossier sections of the pie chart.

Assets and Privacy

To safeguard your privacy and hide key information about your assets, when you log on to the Fineco website you can use the Privacy ON/OFF option, in the bottom right corner of the Your Assets screen.

This option allows you to set the function you prefer:

  • If you want your data to be hidden automatically on the home page each time you enter the site, set “Privacy” to “ON”
  • If, on the other hand, you want your data to be displayed on the home page each time you enter the site, set “Privacy” to “OFF”.


The Inbox section contains copies of all notifications sent to you by the bank, including those sent to your certified email address.
The archive contains all notifications sent over the last six months. After that time, emails are automatically removed from the archive.
You can use the navigation bar to access the Inbox, where any notifications that have not yet been read, are marked.
Click the navigation bar to display the last five notifications and from here to access the Inbox section with the complete list of all messages.

Important messages to read
Some notifications are marked as "important".
These are messages the bank thinks you should read. They may contain notices issued by the bank, information about bank statements or even regulatory updates that affect your current account.
Important notifications that have not yet been read are placed in a specific table at the top of the page. Once these notifications have been read, they are removed from the list of important messages and stored in the table at the bottom, along with the other notifications, in the order in which they were sent.


In the banking section you can see a summary of your current account and cards situation.

In detail:

  1. Latest account transactions. You can see the balance and the last five transactions on your GBP account and the related sub-accounts in EUR, USD, and CHF.
    At the end of the table there is also a link to quickly access your account statement.
  2. Calendar of expected expenses. You can use this tool to view and plan upcoming payments and expenditures through your current account for the current month and the next.
  3. Card summary. Here you can see the list of your cards and total transactions (withdrawals and purchases) during the current month using the different payment functions available on the card. By expanding the summary row you can also see the last five recorded transactions for each function on the card and the total amount spent during the current month.

    NOTE! On this page you can also see the status of any cards you have requested.
    Requests that have been rejected are shown for 30 days from the date of the request.

  4. Chart of your account balance trend over the last 12 months. This gives you an immediate snapshot of changes in your account.
  5. Chart of payments made using your debit card. You can see the total of transactions (purchases and withdrawals) using your cards over the last six months, according to the different functions available.

    Note: When a card expires and a new one is issued, the chart only considers amounts spent using the new card.

Calendar of expected expenses

Expected expenses
The calendar allows you to view and plan upcoming payments and expenditures through your current account for the current month and the next. You can view both automatic payments (recognised by the bank's IT systems) and manual payments (planned directly by you).

Payments for which the amounts and due dates are retrieved automatically by the bank's IT systems. Domestic and foreign money transfers ordered online are automatically displayed on the day on which the available balance on your current account is reduced.

Payments are planned by you and entered manually in the calendar. These payments are not traced automatically by the bank's IT systems.
Automatic payments are marked as "Fineco", whereas payments entered manually are marked as "Personal".
If you have more than one current account, the upcoming payments refer to the account that has been selected at the top of the page.
Manual payments can also include "Recurring monthly payments", i.e., payments due each month. Once entered, they are stored and repeated in subsequent months. Select the reference day and enter the frequency.

Total programmed payments and estimated balance
At the end of the calendar there are total expected expenses and the estimated balance at the end of the month, calculated by subtracting the total payments from the available balance.

The estimated balance for the following month is instead calculated by subtracting the total programmed payments for the month of reference from the estimated available balance for the previous month.

On the day on which the programmed payments are deducted from the available balance and/or charged to the current account, the corresponding amount is also eliminated from the total programmed payments and deleted from the calendar.

Payments entered manually are deleted from the total programmed payments and from the calendar on the day marked as the due date.

Days on the calendar when payments are due are marked. The number of payment items to be entered is shown in the corner of the date box.
Click the day on the calendar to view the breakdown and the payment due.

Entering and deleting payments
To enter a programmed payment ("personal"), simply click a day on the calendar and click the "Add a new expense" link. You will be asked to specify the amount and provide a brief description of the payment.
After confirming the payment item, the total programmed payments item will be updated automatically, as will the estimated end-of-month balance.

Payment items can be entered and removed manually, but cannot be modified.
To modify a payment, you must delete it and create a new one.

Payment items entered automatically by the system ("Fineco") cannot be deleted or changed.

All payment items are automatically removed from the calendar after the scheduled debit date.